Prince of Wales, Drury Ln, Covent Garden
Pubs in Covent Garden, Traditional Pubs in London A traditional English pub

Prince of Wales, Hartfield Rd, Wimbledon
Pubs in Wimbledon, Traditional Pubs in London A traditional English pub

Prince of Wales, Kensington Church Walk
Pubs in Kensington, Traditional Pubs in London A traditional English pub

Prince of Wales, Lillie Road
Pubs in Fulham, Traditional Pubs in London Pub and POW rooftop beer garden

Prospect of Whitby
Pubs in Whitby, Traditional pub Pub and Restaurant

Punch Tavern
Pubs in Fleet Street, Traditional Pubs in London Fleet Street pub
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Traditional pub meals & bar snacks served in a historic riverfront venue that has a beer garden.